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Before I started working with Veronica I felt stuck and overwhelmed about my personal and professional life. In particular I had trouble making decisions and recognising my worth.

While working with her I noticed I began to raise my self-worth and the fog began to clear around what I wanted and where I wanted to go with my life.

She helped me see things in a balanced way and was able to remain objective as I found the wisdom myself. Her way of coaching is incredibly empowering and it’s obvious she is living her passion.

I can sincerely say I trust Veronica. Trust was such a massive part of choosing a coach and in my opinion it is the foundation for deep transformation.

After working with Veronica I’ve felt clearer about my vision, boundaries and communication.

I highly recommend Veronica to anyone looking to reach another level in any area of life. Particularly if you want to find that thing that lights you up and live an inspired life.

Veronica has played a pivotal role in my life by helping me achieve clarity over my goals, ambitions, and dreams, both mentally and with actual action plans and brainstorming ideas.

I never dreamed that I was good enough or that it could be my reality, but I am now in the process of pursuing a career in painting and photography, all thanks to my sessions with her!

She is very friendly, kind & intuitive with a keen sense of getting right to the root of any issue and really knows her stuff.

Just be brave, take charge of your life, and try the free discovery call with Veronica; she is the real deal!!!

Before receiving Coaching with Veronica, I was so closed off from the world after the passing of a loved one, and I thought I was sorted. Then through Veronica’s Empowerment Coaching Program, I realised that I had been living a cocooned life; I thought my safe space was actually my prison. Now I know that my life is not for staying in my comfort zone; instead, living and having all kinds of experiences.
Through the sessions, I raised my self-esteem & I was guided to flick off discriminatory restraints enforced on me by an old cultural society.

Veronica also showed me the power of gratitude. I wrote down everything I was grateful for from my past & even for the future. When I look back at my gratitude list, I find that many of the things I wrote down came true.

And most important of all, she showed me how my own thoughts (the stories I tell myself) shape my actions and colour my energies and so, since then, I’ve been changing my negative thoughts into positive ones and have noticed that wherever I go, been spreading light and joy to everyone. I ask myself if one person can spread lightness and joy, what can many more do.

And it all started with Veronica, my life coach, her way of KNOWING each individual’s roadblocks and how to clear them that was the game-changer, so thanks a gazillion.

Hi, my name’s Flora. I’m a businesswoman, marketing consultant at

Before I met Veronica, I was feeling disconnected from myself, & having feelings about whether I was capable of stepping into success as well as struggling to create order & being more productive. I had always envisioned living an exciting happy life, creating & applying more skills, instead, I had found myself slipping into a very comfortable, safe space & playing small.

During Veronica’s coaching program, I realized that a lot of my concerns were unconscious beliefs around judgment, & people’s perceptions. Through the coaching tools & techniques, I started to have many epiphanies about my life & myself. My view around myself changed & I realized I was more than capable to achieve all I set my focus on & felt more empowered within myself.

Now I feel I’m in control & I am living a fulfilled life, with excitement & a sense of achievement. Thank you, Veronica. If anyone needs encouragement & guidance to shift their self-belief, self-esteem, mindset shifts in their career, or any part of their life, I would recommend you speak with Veronica.

It’s difficult to put into words just how much this incredible woman has changed my life!
When I first started seeing Veronica back in October 2019, I was a completely different person to who I am now, I didn’t even know myself and I was in such a rut.

I was diagnosed with Lyme Disease which was a label that I allowed to hold me back from living, as everything I did revolved around “being sick” and being stuck in that heavy space.

But I knew that wasn’t the life for me, I wouldn’t accept it and I just needed the guidance, support, encouragement and tools to help me to RELEASE that label and how to start actually LIVING my life, without the label of an illness and of course that involved learning how to actually BELIEVE in myself.

And this is where the amazing Veronica helped me to turn my whole life around.

Fast track to now 2022 and I am ME, I’ve actually found myself and believe in myself.

Most days I am symptom-free and living my best life. Over the last few years, I have achieved so much and pursued goals and dreams that I never thought I’d be capable of doing due to an illness that held me back from so much. But not anymore!

Thank you so much incredible, amazing, beautiful Veronica, you are an absolute gift and I am forever grateful for your support and guidance to guide me on my path and help me to get to where I am today.

Dear Veronica, as I sit here today, writing up a contract for another piece of my dream work, I cannot fully express the depth of gratitude I have for the magic you have helped me create..

When I started working with you 12 months ago, my life was just going in the same circles. I thought I was doing things differently, but my mindset and future goals for my own life had me stagnated. I’ve stretched, pushed, pulled, moved and grown so much in these last 12 months, that I cannot even recognise that “old me” any longer. Now all I want to do is live out my life’s mission, and make it happen. Without your Angel guidance, I do not know where I would be. Thank you is a word. True gratitude can only be expressed by fully living out my life’s mission.

Thank you X 100.

Due to me having strong feelings of lack, direction & unimportance in this world, I started looking for a life coach & found Veronica through Social Media.

I got way more than I ever expected.

Over time & with Veronica’s coaching, the dark clouds started to lift & I began to see that shining light start to seep back in. I started acknowledging myself for all the things I have actually accomplished in my life. Many, many small things & quite a few massive things that I had dismissed or had forgotten about entirely.

Acknowledging these again has lifted my confidence so that I know I can tackle any future goals no matter the size. Now I get to design my life daily without guilt or shame, my relationships are much better & I have gratitude for the life I have lived thus far & the one I am working towards.

The journey will never end but I love that I had the courage to take this step & showed up for myself every single session.

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