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Interview with Benjamin J Harvey – Promoting Elevate Your Energy Collaboration

#45 Veronica Galipo – The Power of Words

People pleasing can make you exhausted, drained and lost. Many people can find they are lost in their many roles in life. The words you can be speaking, thinking and hearing, can have a massive impact on the direction of your life.

What you will learn in this episode

  • How you are programming yourself through your thoughts.
  • How to cultivate and practice gratitude.
  • The 3 questions you need to ask yourself to become aware of your thoughts.
  • The power that writing, can have toward positive change.
  • How mindfulness around your language is very important.
  • How to embed a new belief and create a new belief.
  • The power of words on your life direction.
  • How thoughts & words are often not true, but we repetitively use them, Veronica explains why and how to stop doing this.
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