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Breathing with Intention

The last few days I had this very strong pull to share & remind you of the importance of sitting in a stronger, yet gentle space especially at this time, where we are all experiencing different states of emotions. This means taking a few minutes to pause. That is to stop everything you are doing & take a few seconds for you. Literally, just stop, your job, email etc. I promise everything will still be there.

Now I suggest telling yourself; it is ok to take a few moments for yourself. That you are ok: to give yourself permission. And tell yourself that you are very safe to pause, that all is ok.

Literally, JUST STOP NOW! It will all still be there, the email, the message etc. I promise!

I understand that there are parts of you, saying; “I don’t have time, what is the point?”

The point is when you focus inwards, & feel some sort of conscious connection to yourself rather than to other people or things (that of course always seem to need you!) is when you are telling your soul; You & Your energy are WORTH it!

How many hours, days or even months do you forget to tap into yourself?
How often does your day just disappear & you haven’t stopped & you are wondering where did it go?

This is our norm!

We fill our days with so much that we think it’s important to feel productive & that we should do this & that etc to feel we are enough or doing enough. But why are ‘you’ NOT on that list?

The ‘you’ I am talking about just takes a few moments, a few times in the day to choose deliberately to make time to internally focus.

An interpulse period, a stopping of time, away from the crazy doing & decide to spend it for ourselves.

Yes so simple, just pausing, to give some attention to our unacknowledged breath. Being more deliberate & having an incredibly abundant effective breath. The benefits are so vast, it is worth either accepting my list or looking further into it yourself or better still just try it. Be your own, experiment. Check in how different do you feel after a week of deliberate moments of deep slow, relaxed breathing, feeling & being within.

You will feel yourself slow down, you will be more in tune with what your body & mind are doing & what it doesn’t want to do. You will feel calmer, a shift in mood, more focus & clearer vision, & more energized, even long term health changes & my favourite you will begin the most powerful habit of appreciating that you are ALIVE living another day because of each of these breaths. I know go figure, who would have guessed thinking about your breath rather than just letting it happen could impact your overall way of being. Wow, I say to:


NOW JUST FOR A FEW MOMENTS…I know so demanding! Actually NO! SO IMPORTANT!!!

Check-in: How am I breathing? What rate am I breathing? Are my breaths deep or shallow?
Would you agree that it is time to let yourself: Stop & Breathe. Ok this Is it!

Time to get ready to stop & close your eyes for just 5-10 slow breaths. Consider sensing your breathing as it is & then begin to slow each breath down, take time to feel your breath, really connect & be aware of how your breath goes in through your nostrils, down your throat, & fills your chest, & it seeping into your stomach as you allow it to flow. Then hold it just gently no exertion just a pause, a break, a rest, then allow the breath to slowly release again pacing it, outstretching the exhale to leave your body so calmly & so extended, allowing it all to be released & then just gently squeeze a little more out.

Each fresh breath slowly in allows some awakening of you from your body & its movements, it also allows you to observe the actual breath path, it creates your mind to be clear of other things to zone in on you & this moment & action.

It is quite incredible, that every person every day unless they commit to breathe work, just assume that their shallow automatic breathing is substantial, but sadly it isn’t. Even crazier it is a free resource, no need to borrow, pay or ask anyone to help it is your right & it is way more right to allow true breaths to occur. Please I urge you to give this gift NOW! to your body, mind & heart. To stop taking for granted this free tool & use it to its full potential.

Yes, It is safe & totally worth taking time to Breath with Intent!!!

Click on the link for my Free Four min relaxing breathing guide.

Enjoy, pass it on & begin to feel the incredible effects of your Breath Power.


Soul Wishes Veronica G

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