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How do you treat your best friend?

❓Would you deliberately call your best friend today to put them down?
❓Would you stop & judge them on how bad they finished their project?
❓Would you accuse them of being a mess & consistently incapable?

🚫No, of course not!
✖Did you negatively talk about yourself to someone today?
✖Did you judge yourself on how you did your job?
✖Did you accuse yourself of always struggling?

🙏We see our incredible best friends as important & valuable, we lift & support them, yet we don’t feel worthy of doing this for ourselves.

🧠You may not be aware that until you were 6 -7 yrs old, your mind sat in a theta, non-logical state where we absorbed all that was said & shown around us. So if adults stated, ‘No, you do not deserve that toy🕹’ or ‘it is not all about you’.
🧠These messages slowly become your conditioning of how you see yourselves.

🛑So unless you are consciously beginning to shift & delete these untruths, then you live speaking & thinking this way. And when you bully yourself & put yourself down this affects your life on all levels from illnesses to relationships.

🎉My name is Veronica. I am a Life-changing Coach & Hypnotherapist. So let’s bust through your old conditioning & decide now to stop this self-sabotaging treatment & DM me.
🎉Book your FREE Clarity Session & learn about this great program & begin being your own best friend.

💎What are you waiting for? Start giving your powerful love to you as well as your best friend. 🎉You deserve it!!!
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